like, love, want

Like, Love, Want – October

Hello, hello! The gardening season is winding down here in Massachusetts and I couldn’t be more ready for autumn so I can bake up a storm, tackle some indoor projects, and curl up by the fire with a good book. I did put some fall seedlings out a few weeks ago, but the garden location doesn’t get full sun at this time of year so I have pretty low expectations for any substantial harvests. What will be, will be. We had a great first season and I’m beginning to put the garden to bed for the winter — mulching the pathways with woodchips and topping the beds with extra soil and compost. Oh, and the above photo is of glass gem corn, which is my favorite thing I grew this year! *sigh* it’s beautiful.

Today I wanted to share a post of some things I like, love, want — some that I own and love, others that made it onto my holiday wishlist, and some I’m going to pick up over the next couple of months. It’s going to be a hodgepodge of kitchen items, seasonal clothing, and some kiddo stuff thrown in for good measure.

Fall/Winter Essentials

Moving back to an area with winter, but this time as homeowners, meant that we were introduced to the joys of heating bills last winter. Ay carumba! After the initial sticker shock the first couple months, we adjusted our thermostat down and started bundling up during the day like good old fashioned hardy New Englanders of yore. Some of my favorite cozy winter weather gear to keep warm in the house:

Coveting for the Kitchen

For years now, I’ve been eyeing a KitchenAid pasta maker attachment and I’m thisclose to picking one up this winter. I mean, just imagine the possibilities! I also think it would be a really fun learning activity to do with our daughter. My KitchenAid mixer is my mom’s original 1973 machine and it’s an absolote workhorse. I’m also itching to get some fun shortbread molds, a bundt pan, and some other superfluous seasonal baking goodies.

Channeling My Inner Martha Stewart

Last year was our first Thanksgiving in the new house, but alas it was a Covid Thanksgiving so we didn’t have a big gathering. This year, we’ll be hosting my husband’s family and my dad, for a total of 8 adults and 5 kids, so it’s time to kick things into high gear! I have a good amount of serving platters and bowls and utensils, but am brainstorming a design for the tablescape. Here are some of the items I’m eyeing:

Because You Can Never Make Too Many Lists

Whether I’m writing endless to-do lists or jotting down recipes in the kitchen, I’m never without a trusty notebook and pens scattered all around. The Moleskine recipe book in particular is awesome for the home cook or baker who makes up recipes on the fly and can never remember what they did (pssst, that’s me). My latest favorites are:

How to Entertain a Spirited Toddler

I’m currently enjoying being able to stay at home with our daughter for the first couple of years, and I can safely say that it’s harder than any previous office job I had. It’s simultaneously awesome and exhausting, joyful and frustrating, exciting and boring. But here are some of the things that are our go-to daily favorites:

Will Run For Pizza

After running off and on for the better part of 11 years, I’m coming back to it after a 2.5 year hiatus. According to my running app, the last time I ran was April 2019. Previously, I’ve run a few half marathons, and used to work for Runner’s World magazine, so it’s a sport that has a special spot in my heart. Currently, I’m starting from scratch, building my base slowly but surely using the app 10K runner. I’m also obsessed with the Hoka running shoes I’m currently using, which is making my return to running an absolute joy.

The Winter of Kitchen Education

I’m planning on taking a deep dive into learning the science of cooking and baking this winter, and have picked up a bunch of books that I’m excited to read. After cooking and baking for many years now, I figured it’s high time I learn a bit more about how and why things work the way they do in the kitchen. It’s fascinating! Here are a few of the books I’m using:

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